Lesson plan /

Lesson Information

Course Credit
Course ECTS Credit
Teaching Language of Instruction Türkçe
Level of Course Bachelor's Degree, TYYÇ: Level 6, EQF-LLL: Level 6, QF-EHEA: First Cycle
Type of Course
Mode of Delivery Face-to-face
Does the course require compulsory or optional work experience?
Course Coordinator Prof. Dr. RAGIP ÖZYÜREK
Instructor (s)
Course Assistant

Purpose and Content

The aim of the course The aim of this course is to make skill practices for children conducted by school counselors. This target is psychoeducational programs exercises with large group guidance (8-12 students) method. -Apply units with classroom guidance method. - They apply a psychoeducation program with transportation among the small group (approximately 3-7 students). -Periodic planning interviewings to academic and career plans in school. They practice non-testing techniques and testing. -They make an interview with a parent and parent seminar. -They are concerned with the program evaluations of the programs they implement and the studies on teacher education. -Peer feedbacks give.
Course Content Under supervision, developing psychoeducational programs related to academic, career and personal/social development suitable for educational levels, implementing these programs with small group counseling, large group counseling and classroom guidance methods, periodic personal interviews, test techniques practices, interviews with parents and giving a parent conference, making program evaluation studies and giving feedback to each student other about the practices they have done

Weekly Course Subjects

1Course introduction
2-Session preparation plans -Questionnaire about need analysis and open-ended questions . -Characteristics of the students to whom the sessions will be held with the large group guidance method.
3-Activity practices in large group mentoring sessions and need analysis. -The content and order of the activities in the first one or two sessions of the unit to be developed. -Written achievements / competencies. -Prepared autobiographies.
4-Continuing practice of previous weeks. -Developed unit, achievements / competencies and program evaluation questionnaire. -Autobiography application.
5-Applications of large group guidance sessions, new units developed, achievements/competencies and program evaluation questionnaires. -Prepared classroom guidance units or activities. -Prepared PTL and BNA.
6-Continuing applications from previous weeks. -Activity practices in classroom guidance sessions. -PTL and BNA applications.
7-Continuing applications from previous weeks. -The feedback given by the practice students to each other.
8It could be midterm week.
9-Continuing applications from previous weeks.
10-Continuing applications from previous weeks. -Open-ended questions to be asked in periodic individual interviews. -Prepared "Who is this?" and sociometry questions.
11-Continuing applications from previous weeks. -Periodic individual meetings. -"Who is this?" and sociometry applications.
12-Continuing applications from previous weeks.
13-Continuing applications from previous weeks.
14-Continuing applications from previous weeks.


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