English Preparatory School

​The medium of instruction is English in numerous departments and programs of İstanbul Aydın University. Students are required to attain a certain level of English in order to succeed in the courses. At the beginning of each academic year, all students are required to take the proficiency/level examination. As per the examination results, students who demonstrate an inadequate level of English proficiency to carry out their studies in their departments are required to improve their level of English by attending the English Preparatory Program prior to the first term in the respective faculty. 

İstanbul Aydın University English Preparatory School is located at Bahçelievler Campus, providing English education to around 1500 students every year. Each classroom includes up to 20-25 students. Classrooms are equipped with electronic audial and visual systems including digital desk, projection and computers with internet access.  Read More​..​

güncelleme: 7/1/2021 13:31

  Director’s Message

Dear students,
In our contemporary world of information technologies and communication, English has inevitably become the universal language used in international​.​. Read More..

Assist. Prof. Dr. Necmiye Karataş
Director, English Preparatory School


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