Istanbul Aydin University's UNESCO Chair in Cultural Diplomacy, Governance and Education (CDGE) established in 2014, is a necessity in the multicultural societies of today. Political actors, international organizations, educational institutions and individuals alike are challenged to find ways to accommodate equitably the values and norms of the different cultural groups within the framework of a given society. The most immediate task for politics in this context is to reflect the diversity of cultures in its decisionmaking structures. Cultural diplomacy is regarded as forming international bridges and interactions, identifying networks and power domains within cultures and transcending national and culturalboundaries.
Istanbul Aydin University, UNESCO Chair in Cultural Diplomacy, Governance and Education is based on the mutual collaboration and contributions from local and international institutions. Its activities are nterdisciplinary; refer to education, research, technology and cultural/socialactivities.
UNESCO's specific objective is "contributing to peace and human development in an era of globalization through education, the sciences, culture and communication". The expected results correspond to UNESCO objectives, the Chair will promote conservation for sustainable development through research, capacity-building and training activities. Communication and knowledge management tools will also be developed to raise awareness about the importance of safeguarding tangible and intangible socio-cultural development. It is expected that the network of partners working in the area of cultural exchange and education is expanded in order to achieve an optimal level of cooperation and sharing of good practices among allpartners involved.
güncelleme: 23.1.2017 16:47