Disaster Training Application and Research Center (AFAM)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Depending on their severity, disasters can interrupt social life and cause significant loss of life and property. Individuals, institutions and organizations; in other words, all the layers of the society must be sensitive to this subject and they need to be prepared in advance against disasters in order to minimize these losses.   

The disaster preparation process requires the individuals, families, all the relevant public and private institutions to cooperate with each other and take responsibility. Istanbul Aydın University Disaster Training Application and Research Center (AFAM) has been carrying out activities since 2009 with this awareness and its objectives are as follows;

  1. To encourage and coordinate interdisciplinary research activities in the field of disaster management in consequence of the cooperation of the relevant academic units of the university.
  2. To create accumulation of knowledge as a result of national and international studies.
  3. To disseminate this accumulation of knowledge by using the most appropriate communication tools to the determined target group.
  4. To create a social "power union" in preparation for the disasters by transferring its experiences to other activities it will carry out.

AFAM has put into practice many projects in line with these objectives and continues to develop new ones since 2009.

güncelleme: 2/16/2022 19:18

  Our Message

Experiencing major disasters during various periods of history, Turkey's topographic and geological structure and climatic conditions places our country in a risky position in terms of disasters.  Especially the disasters we have experienced in our recent history and remembered by today's generations clearly reveal the dimensions of the threat we face and the harm these disasters can cause.

This situation makes it necessary to address the issue of disaster in all its parts in our country and to make preparations that will minimize the possible loss of life and property without meeting with a disaster instead of adopting a proactive approach and carrying out improvement works that require large expenditures after disaster.

In this context, as Istanbul Aydın University Disaster Training Application and Research Center (AFAM), we should perform studies

  1. To ensure that the entire community can be prepared against disasters before meeting with one,
  2. To follow international studies and share the experiences from our country with other nations experiencing similar risks,
  3. To practice exemplary applications with accumulation of knowledge at a level that can play an active role at national and international level,
  4. To develop exemplary scientific research and projects.

We firmly believe that the studies we have undertaken and planned under the roof of AFAM will provide important contributions in preparation for the disasters that cause great suffering and severe damages which deeply affects both our economy and our social life. 

Istanbul Aydın University 

Disaster Training Application and Research Center 


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