Higher Education

Higher Education Studies Application and Research Center (YUAM), conducting research on improving the quality of education and training in higher education (YÖ), examining valid and current quality standards in HE, evaluating performance criteria and developing standards and criteria in accordance with the requirements of our country, It operates within a framework defined as making evaluations about the environment required for R&D studies and developing applicable models, examining the effects of Bologna Process and Accreditation practices on HE and conducting research on this subject.

güncelleme: 5/5/2021 16:02

  The Message of the Director

Higher education institutions shape their policies in order to raise individuals for the demands and opportunities of science and technology and to ensure that individuals adapt to this cycle of knowledge. In this context, higher education studies should be constantly updated in the light of higher education policies, models and innovative movements based on changing demands, opportunities, expectations and problems in higher education. Research themes that the center focuses on in this sense; content, aims and values of higher education; institutional management and organization of higher education; higher education research policies; comparative higher education studies at global and regional level; the problems, access and impossibilities of higher education across the country are identified; It includes academically and institutionally qualified, reliable, valid and applicable studies.

Assoc. Prof. Yılmaz SOYSAL

Higher Education Studies Application and

Research Center Manager

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