Faculty of Education

Istanbul Aydın University Faculty of Education was established with the Council of Ministers Decision numbered 2008/14011 and dated 05.08.2008 and has started its education life in Academic Year 2008-2009 with its distinguished academic staff, classrooms and curriculum that can respond to contemporary needs. 
Faculty of Education offers a Bachelor’s degree in Guidance and Psychological Counseling in the Department of Educational Sciences; English Language Education and Arabic Language Education in the Department of Foreign Language Education; Primary Mathematics Education in the Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Preschool Education and Primary Education in the Department of Primary Education, Computer and Instructional Technologies Education Program in the Department of Computer and Instructional Technologies Education, Music Education in the Department of Fine Arts Education, Turkish Language Education in the Department of Turkish and Social Fields Education, Mentally Disabled Children Education, Gifted Education and Special Education in the Department of Special Education.
In the era of information, communication and technology we are in, the level of development of countries is measured by the importance they give to education and science. The most important determinant of education system is the qualification of the teachers operating the system. In this context, faculties of education have a great responsibility in the training of qualified teachers in line with the needs of the time. 
The main purpose of our faculty is educating our students as teachers who can think differently, who are free in their individual decisions, self-confident, respectful to human values, gentle and unselfish, equipped with all kinds of technical and technological knowledge, who share the ideas of the Republic, and who we can entrust our next generations. As Istanbul Aydın University Faculty of Education, we are making great efforts to educate contemporary, intellectual, equipped teachers who have professional formation to the core in line with the basic principles of Turkish National Education with all our academic and managerial staffs. Our faculty has aimed to train fully equipped teachers by combining practice studies in schools with the three basic dimensions of teacher training programs which are "Professional Teaching Knowledge", "Content Knowledge" and "General Knowledge". 

güncelleme: 9.10.2023 14:39

  Message from the Dean

The Faculty of Education started education in the 2008-2009 academic year with classrooms and course programs that can meet the needs. Within the Faculty, there is Guidance and Psychological Counseling Department under the Educational Sciences Department; Computer and Instructional Technologies Teaching Department under the Computer and Instructional Technologies Education Department, English Language Teaching Department and Arabic Teaching Department under the Foreign Languages ​​Department,  Classroom Teaching and Preschool Teaching Department under the Primary Education Department, Primary Education Mathematics Education Department under the Mathematics and Science Education Department, Turkish Language Teaching Department under the Turkish and Social Sciences Education Department, Education of Mentally Disabled and Gifted Education under the Departments Special Education Department.
In the information, communication and technology era we live in, the level of development of countries is measured by the importance they attach to education and science. The most important determinant of the education system is the quality of the teachers who run the system. In this context, Faculties of Education have a great role in the training of qualified teachers in accordance with the requirements of the age of teacher training institutions. The main purpose of our faculty is to train our students as teachers who can think differently, are free in their individual preferences, self-confident, respectful to human values, tolerant and self-sacrificing, who share the ideals of the republic, are equipped with all kinds of technical and technological knowledge, and whom we can entrust to future generations. As Istanbul Aydın University Faculty of Education, we make great efforts to train modern, enlightened, well-equipped teachers with full professional formation in line with the basic principles of Turkish National Education, with all our academic and administrative staff. Our faculty aims to train fully-equipped teachers by combining the three main dimensions of teacher training programs, namely "Teaching Profession Knowledge", "Field Knowledge" and "General Culture" with practice of teaching at schools.

Prof. Dr. Elif Yeşim ÜSTÜN

 Graduation Oath Ceremony

 Faculty of Education- The Introduction

 Faculty of Education Orientation


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