Istanbul Aydın University has elements that will attract all university nominees, from its expert academic staff to its wide range of scholarships, from international collaborations to its infrastructure equipped with the latest technology, from its social, cultural, and academic activities to the employment opportunities of its graduates. It delivers higher education to 43,000 students on a large campus in the center of Istanbul, and more than 70,000 graduates have taken their place in the business world.
- Wide range of programs with 187 departments in 17 faculties and schools
- Newly opened Aviation department that will train the new stars of the skies
- Multilingual and multicultural atmosphere with 6,000+ international students from 125 different countries
- Continuous scholarship opportunities throughout the regular duration of studies
- Opportunity to study abroad through Erasmus Plus in 300 universities from 52 countries
- Prof. Dr. Aziz Sancar Technology Center, one of Turkey's most prestigious multidisciplinary university technology centers
- Education opportunities with extensive scholarships in 190 different postgraduate programs
- 77 championships, 347 medals and 170 cups in European and Turkish sports championships
- Magnificent campus located in the center of Istanbul, easily accessible, with 150,000 square meters of open space and 250,000 square meters of closed area
- Information Center open 24/7, with Access to tens of thousands of printed publications and national/international databases, serving 3,442 people simultaneously
- Collaboration in academic studies and Exchange programs with 500 World Universities
- An innovative university ranked within the top 1,000 in independent measurements and rankings conducted by international organizations
- 165 Application Laboratories, 36 Research Centers, and 2 UNESCO Chairs
- A university that is part of the Bologna Process, with diplomas recognized worldwide and national and international accreditations
- A global education brand under the Turquality program
- Opportunities to earn scholarship in various areas such as academic success, sports, and financial need throughout the student's academic life
- Fully funded dual majör and minör programs
- Pioneer in hybrid education with the IAU Online Education Center
- A social climate where students can meet their social, cultural, and sports needs
- Extensive social facilities (IAU Tepekent Social Facilities)
- University that places 83.6% of its graduates in jobs
- Number one in service exports
- Annual rankings in the TİM "Turkey's Largest 500 Service Exporters" awards
- Over 82 students clubs and more than 1,000 social and cultural events organized by 36 research centers each year
- Incubation centers where ideas turn into products for enrepreneurial students
- Opportunity to interact with over a hundred thousand business partners from different sectors and get acquainted with the business World during education
- Medical Faculty Hospital consisting of 13 operating theaters with a capacity of 300 beds and 92 outpatient clinics, and dental hospitals with JCI accreditation that can serve 200 patients simultaneously, along with healthcare centers in different regions providing a wide healthcare infrastructure
- Special and multidisciplinary modern laboratory facilities in the fields of health, social sciences, and natural sciences
- Opportunity to complete undergraduate education with free VTE (Vertical Transition Exam) courses
- Career and personal development training programs in over 150 programs at the Lifelong Learning Center
- Leading university with a strong IT infrastructure in distance education
- 3,000 academic and administrative staff members