Stakeholder Satisfaction Policy

Istanbul Aydın University aims to consistently elevate and sustain stakeholder satisfaction, which lies at the core of all services provided, by adhering to international standards and relevant legal regulations in all its activities.


Our stakeholder satisfaction policy aims to regularly collect feedback on satisfaction and complaints from all stakeholders through various feedback mechanisms, and to objectively evaluate and address all complaints within a reasonable timeframe, irrespective of stakeholder distinction, in line with the principles outlined below.




Enhancing Student Relations: Establishing methods, principles, and responsibilities for measuring and evaluating satisfaction through Student Satisfaction Surveys, and planning continuous improvement efforts to meet the expectations of all stakeholders.


Improving Employee Satisfaction: Maximizing job motivation by receiving feedback from academic and administrative staff and implementing improvements to enhance their satisfaction, preparing them for higher-level roles, and increasing the value they bring to the institution.


• Enhancing External Stakeholder Satisfaction: Establishing communication with external stakeholders based on trust and reputation.


• Efficient Management of Supplier Relations: Establishing effective supply chain management by prioritizing firms that embrace a total quality approach in procurement of goods and services.


Reflecting Stakeholder Opinions in Decisions: Ensuring sensitivity to incorporating stakeholder opinions into managerial decisions within the institution.

güncelleme: 23.7.2024 14:08