Public Information Policy

Istanbul Aydın University follows an effective information policy to ensure that all stakeholders, including employees, academics, students, parents, and the general public, are accurately informed in line with Corporate Governance Principles.

The activities carried out by our university are announced through our university's website and corporate social media channels. Within this framework, events related to both education, research, and management processes are regularly published and made available to the public. This statement, which outlines our university's commitment to corporate communication and policies, is shaped within the following principles:



News Approach: Ensuring that content with news value is conveyed accurately and comprehensibly, avoiding fonts that may harm the institution's identity, and emphasizing keywords appropriate to the target audience.

• Informing the Public: Conducting processes such as activity reports, informative letters, written application procedures, protection of personal data, and meeting the needs of legal requests transparently by regularly conducting processes such as staff meetings, student communication, alumni relations, personnel recruitment, and effectively utilizing social media channels for information sharing.

• Crisis Management: Focusing on effectively managing crisis situations by using correct communication channels such as empathy, context, action, and transparency, and preventing the escalation of crises.

• False News and Rumors: Ensuring the protection of the institution's reputation and correcting publications by contacting the media to prevent the spread of misleading information, and taking legal action and measures related to crisis management processes in case of any damage.

• Other Media: Adopting a corporate governance approach and following an active media strategy, as well as organizing press conferences in line with developments.

güncelleme: 23.7.2024 14:02