Gender Equality Policy

Istanbul Aydın University aims to ensure gender and equal opportunity in education, research and development, and social contribution processes through its equality and diversity policy. Among stakeholders, diversity, equality, inclusivity, respect for human dignity, and differences are the fundamental values agreed upon.


This statement outlining our commitment and policies regarding gender equality, equal opportunity, and diversity is shaped within the framework of the following principles:



Upholding Equality and Diversity Values: Considering factors such as gender, ethnic origin, religion or other beliefs, disability, or age in all processes involving academic and administrative staff, students, and prospective staff, ensuring the contribution of all stakeholders to the establishment of a climate of tolerance.


• Achieving Goals Related to Gender Equality, Equal Opportunity, and Diversity: Creating and monitoring performance indicators related to topics such as discrimination, equal opportunities, recruitment and promotion, leadership, employee rights, and working conditions.


Prioritizing Women's Employment: Making efforts to increase the number of female managers, female students, and female academic and administrative staff at the university, developing strategies to increase women's employment.


Creating Awareness of Gender Equality: Raising awareness about the fundamental concepts of gender equality and its implications for the workplace.


güncelleme: 23.7.2024 13:57