
Since its establishment in 2008, our School of Foreign Languages has been responsible for language education at Istanbul Aydın University, utilizing the most modern tools, materials, and technologies to help our students learn a new language. The aim of the School of Foreign Languages is to provide English language education at international standards to students studying at Istanbul Aydın University. In addition to the English Preparatory School, it also includes preparatory programs for the four-year Translation and Interpretation departments in English, Arabic, and Russian.

In the School of Foreign Languages, which is responsible for planning and implementing the foreign language programs of the faculties, schools, and institutes within our university, English education is provided to the preparatory class students of our university units.

The English Preparatory Program offers mandatory two-semester English preparatory education for students who are admitted to undergraduate programs that are taught in English. This education aims to equip students with the basic language skills they will need in their respective departments. All students who enroll in the first year of the schools and faculties, as well as students who are admitted to the university for the first time, take the English Exemption Exam at the beginning of both semesters. Students who pass this exam are exempted from English. Students who do not pass this exam are given 3 hours of General English lessons per week. The English lessons, which are taught jointly to first-year students of the schools and faculties in the fall and spring semesters, aim to provide students with the necessary proficiency for the Professional English courses they will take in the following term.

The Professional English courses taught in the second year of the schools and faculties aim to enable students to follow publications related to their fields of study and master the relevant terminology.

The modern equipped simultaneous translation laboratory, which can perform translations in three languages and has a capacity of 25 people, serves the students of the Translation and Interpretation departments.

Speaking clubs operate to enable our students to use and speak English, Arabic, and Russian more widely at the university. In these clubs, students are given the opportunity to practice speaking within a determined curriculum.

Within the framework of compliance with the European Universities Association Institutional Evaluation Program, our School of Foreign Languages evaluates the English course requests of administrative and academic staff at our university and opens English courses every year.

In addition to our Preparatory Program, which offers qualified English education, we also provide our students with the opportunity to learn a second foreign language in line with the vision of Istanbul Aydın University.

Thus, as the School of Foreign Languages, we aim to equip our students with an international perspective on social, cultural, and universal issues through the language skills they acquire.



As stated in Article 49 of the Higher Education Law, the main duties of the Schools of Foreign Languages in universities are to prepare students for education in a foreign language and to ensure that they reach a certain level where they can effectively use the four language skills of speaking, writing, reading, and listening in a foreign language in their academic and professional lives.

Another aim of the School of Foreign Languages is to train students as creative, constructive, intellectual, and knowledgeable individuals.

Our most important mission is to be a School of Foreign Languages that provides foreign language education in accordance with the principles of scientific, innovative, and quality education, stands out with its strong institutional identity and infrastructure in national and international arenas, and operates at world standards.



The vision of Istanbul Aydın University School of Foreign Languages is to raise the quality of education to the highest level by considering the realities of the age and to provide rational solutions to the foreign language problems of students and faculty members.

It is to transform foreign language learning into a professional language education by making it enjoyable with the physical facilities and strong educational staff offered to our students by our university.

It is to offer the opportunity to learn a second foreign language to those who want to learn a foreign language other than the compulsory foreign language courses.

It is to provide efficient and quality service to our students in foreign language education by taking advantage of the opportunities provided by information technology in language education.

güncelleme: 3.7.2024 13:33