Disaster Preparedness Trainings for Individuals with Special Needs CSR Project

According to the 2011 Population and Housing Survey results, 6.6 percent of our country's population has at least one disability. In another study carried out by the Turkish Statistical Institute, this rate rises above 12 percent when people with chronic diseases are added to the disabled citizens.

Considering the disaster situation in Turkey in general, there is a need for studies on disaster preparedness of individuals who need the help of others for various reasons. A disaster preparedness project, which will be carried out by considering the families of individuals with chronic diseases and/or disabilities, who are among the more vulnerable groups in disasters and make up more than 12 percent of the total population, will provide very important social gains. As Istanbul Aydın University Disaster Training Application and Research Center, we have developed a training program for individuals with special needs in order to contribute to such a social gain.

In the training, the activities that individuals with chronic diseases or various degrees of disability and their families should do before, during and after the disaster are conveyed. In order to disseminate this training program we have prepared, we started the Disaster Preparedness Trainings for Disadvantaged Individuals Corporate Social Responsibility Project in 2018.

These trainings are provided free of charge by AFAM in line with the requests.

güncelleme: 11.2.2022 10:52