First time Application


Dear students, click the here for student residence permit guideline


All International Students who completed their registration process at Istanbul Aydin University must apply for student's residence permit from within 10 days.

Required Documents for the First Time Student Residence Permit Application;

According to the new protocol signed by the Council of Higher Education with Ministry of Interior Affairs, Universities will collect the residence permit application documents.

According to new protocol, steps are;

1.       Before submitting the Residence Permit to the University, students have to give their Fingerprints in the Immigration office. The required documents to give the fingerprits are:

  • Online Application form, which must be done via
  • With online application form, student letter and passport students can visit any Immigration Office to give finger prints. No appointment is required for this step.


2.       After giving the fingerprints, students have to submit the required documents for the residence permit to the university, which are:

  1. Online Residence Permit Application Form (must be signed at 1st page)
  •         Copies of the:  
  1. Passport Identification Page
  2. Visa (if you have)
  3. Entry Stamp
  4. Old Residence permit copy back and front if you have
  5. New Dated Student Letter for residence permit (entitled "İstanbul İl Göç İdaresi Müdürlüğüne") (Student can Receive it from T Block) (at most 15 days old)
  6. Original Valid Health Insurance Policy 

Address documents;

  1. Notarized House Contract (rental houses)
  2. If you are staying in your house (land registration- tapu) and one bill of water or electricity issued with the name of the student are required
  3. If you are staying in a dormitory- letter from the dormitory
  4. The payment receipt (Residence Permit Card fee) from Tax Office 


NOTE: For students who are applying for the extension of their residence permit, The Address Registration Document (Nüfus Kayıt Belgesi) and one bill of water or electricity issued with the name of the student are mandatory.

Documents will not be accepted without documents mentioned above, and in case there's any missing documents the application will not be received by the university as the documents will not be accepted by the immigration office.

güncelleme: 19.12.2023 12:03