Frequently Asked Questions


  1. How I can get the transportation card?
You can apply for the transportation card after you have received the residence permit card.
Kindly visit the website:


  1. How can I open a bank account in Türkiye?
Each bank has its own rules for opening a bank account. You are required to provide a passport, residence permit, student letter, and address declaration form.

  1. Where can I take my IAU student card?
You can take your student card from D Block, Ground floor IT department.

  1. I forgot the UBIS password, How can I form a new password?
If you need a new password, you are required to visit the Student Affairs (T block-ground floor left side)
Master & Phd degree students are required to visit the Institute of Graduate Studies. (T block-ground floor right side)

  1. I have changed my department in the university,. What I am going to do update my residence permit?
You are required to take a new student letter and please make sure that the previous department cancellation date is written on it.
After that, you will visit Immigration Office to update your education information.

  1. Where can I take my student letter?
You are required to visit the Student Affairs (T block- ground floor left side)

  1. What is the USD bank account  of IAU?

BANK NAME: Yapı Kredi
BRANCHDünya Ticaret Merkezi Şubesi (773)
ACCOUNT NAME: İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi
ACCOUNT NUMBER773-54870668
IBAN NUMBER: TR54 0006 7010 0000 0054 8706 68


güncelleme: 25.11.2022 12:30