Lesson plan /

Lesson Information

Course Credit
Course ECTS Credit
Teaching Language of Instruction Türkçe
Level of Course Bachelor's Degree, TYYÇ: Level 6, EQF-LLL: Level 6, QF-EHEA: First Cycle
Type of Course
Mode of Delivery Face-to-face
Does the course require compulsory or optional work experience?
Course Coordinator Assoc. Prof. (Ph.D.) HALE TORUN
Instructor (s)
Course Assistant

Purpose and Content

The aim of the course To examine the process of art between the modern world and the traditional one and to examine how art has progressed with the intellectual evolution of human beings, to reconsider art with thought and philosophical movements.
Course Content By exploring the boundaries of modernism and the post-modernist period, the great movements of the 20th century, for example: Impressionism (Impressionism) Movement, case studies from artists and works of art, Expressionism (Expressionism) Movement, Cubism Current case studies from artists and works of art, Futurism Movement case studies from artists and works of art, Case study from Abstract Art Movement artists and works of art Constructivism/ Bauhaus Movement case studies from artists and works of art Case study from Dada Movement artists and works of art.

Weekly Course Subjects

1What is modernism What is modern thought Industrial Revolution and Philosophy movements. Defining the world of the 20th century and yesterday
2What is the relationship between Humanism and Art? Understanding the traditional arts and aesthetics of the old world
3Artist and Spiritual world/Philosophy of Art
4Thought currents, the relationship between art and creativity Anthropology of art from the first man to the present
5Contemporary thinking and the steel industry The emergence of the modern world: Impressionism and interaction. Dotted multicolored world: Van Gogh
6Expressionism: The collapse of German psychology. Cubism and war: Pablo Picasso
7Futurism and Marinetti /Mnifesto and futurists. Russian Futurists: Mayakovsky and Ilya Brigh
8(Online Test )
9Abstract art and the new world
10Constructivism/Bauhaus Movement
11Dadaism / Nonsense in cinema and poetry. Luis Buñuel
12Surrealism / Salvador Dali Surreal World Borges
13Modern coming Pollack and Japanese Modernism
14(Online Test )


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