The message of Head of Department

"Adequate and balanced nutrition" is an indispensable element for the protection and development of health in all periods of life, and especially for the prevention of nutrition-related, non-communicable chronic diseases and/or minimizing these diseases with individualized medical nutrition treatments. Every day we spend causes significant changes in people's living spaces and eating habits. When the increase in sedentary lifestyle is added to the negative changes in our eating habits, there is a great increase in the incidence of nutrition-related diseases in the world and in our country. In addition, considering the global climate changes in the world and in our country, serious problems arise in the protection and development of health. When the current data of the World Health Organization (WHO) are examined; Approximately 200 million children under the age of five have "stunting" due to energy and nutrient deficiencies, 35% of women of reproductive age have iron deficiency anemia, and 15% of newborn babies have low birth weight. In addition, it is known that approximately 900 million people in the world are hungry and 2.7 billion people are obese and overweight. It is known that malnutrition and malnutrition are the cause of 45% of type 1 diabetes, 25% of ischemic heart diseases and 10-45% of some types of cancer, which are common in the world and in our country and continue to increase. As seen in the world, the population in our country is now aging. The dynamics brought by aging to societies have revealed the necessity of changing health plans and policies and bringing healthy, adequate and balanced nutrition approaches to all layers of society more intensively by individualizing them. In addition, especially; Developments in the fields of "nutrition, epigenetics and genetics" contribute significantly to individual nutrition and diet practices. The most important health professional in delivering these approaches to individuals and societies in a holistic and professional approach is the "dietitian". The programs in which dietitians are trained in universities are also four-year (eight semesters) "nutrition and dietetics" undergraduate programs. With the aim of protecting and improving human health and providing medical nutrition treatments of nutrition-related diseases; In addition to chemistry, biology, statistics, economics, psychology, sociology courses to understand the complex relationships between food, nutrition and lifestyle patterns, food production and technology and agricultural systems, principles of nutrition and nutrients, nutritional biochemistry, food chemistry, physiology, anatomy, general microbiology and food microbiology, public health, community nutrition and nutritional diseases epidemiology, food safety and legislation, communication skills, information literacy, Nutrition education, mother-child nutrition, medical nutrition therapy of diseases for all age groups, such as theoretical, intensive practice and laboratories in all fields of science that will support the field of health and health. In order to increase professional competence gains, which is among the most important stages of the Nutrition and Dietetics education and training program, after the first six semesters (following the completion of all nutrition and dietetics basic courses), a 6-8 week internship is carried out in the summer term in places such as family or community health centers, municipal community centers for the importance of nutrition in the protection and development of public health. In addition to some courses taken in the last year of Nutrition and Dietetics education and training (including graduation thesis), internships for medical nutrition therapy and institutional nutrition are generally carried out in hospitals and institutions.

The students of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Istanbul Aydın University, the dietitians of tomorrow, are trained at the highest level of human love, ethics, social responsibility and good citizenship, while completing up-to-date education processes at world standards. These processes are constantly monitored and evaluated, and all necessary arrangements are included in the education and training processes without wasting time. Highly experienced and respected faculty members, who have been trained with a perfectionist approach in their fields, combined with the superior and constantly renewing infrastructure facilities and intellectual accumulation of Istanbul Aydın University, will enable you to reach your goals in your professional practices and competence. While the opportunities of Istanbul Aydın University offer the successful dietitians of tomorrow the chance to do a minor or double major, you will have the highest chance of benefiting from international programs during your studentship. As long as you strive to achieve this success, work hard and Istanbul Aydın University.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Can Ergün
Head of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics

güncelleme: 8.7.2024 17:02