The Role of the Dietitian in Food Service Systems Seminar ​ ​

Moderated by Prof. Dr. Haydar ÖZPINAR, Head of IAU Nutrition and Dietetics Department, a seminar on "The Place of Dietitian in Food Service Systems" was held on April 19, 2022. In the seminar, Engin GÜNER, Chairman of the Board of Directors of YEMEKDER, shared his knowledge and experience on "Problems Encountered in the Sector and Solutions", Rouzben GERGERİ, Member of the Board of Directors of YEMEKDER, shared his knowledge on "Catering Sector" and Eda Ezgi BULUT, Dietitian of TAMA Kitchen and Food Enterprise shared her knowledge on "Duties of Dietitians in Food Service Systems" with our students.



güncelleme: 15.11.2023 13:04