Organization Tasks

In the Official Gazette dated 18/04/2015 with the decision numbered 29330.

Manager's duties

The duties of the manager are:

a) To represent the center.

b) To preside over the Board of Directors and the Advisory Board.

c) To organize research projects and submit them to the approval of the Rector.

ç) To submit all kinds of projects and consultancy services requested for the approval of the Rector and the Board of Trustees in order to examine them and to put them into practice after their approval.

d) To determine the principles regarding how full-time University personnel will benefit from the income from projects or consultancy services, in accordance with the Senate decisions and the relevant legislation provisions.

e) To prepare the annual activity plan and program and the estimated budget of the center for the special budget period every year and present the form adopted by the Board and the Rector for approval.


Duties of the Board of Directors

The duties of the Board of Directors are:

a) To decide on the annual activity plan and program and the estimated budget of the Center for the special budget period prepared by the Director.

b) To decide on the suggestions made by the Director when significant changes are required in the activity, plan, program and budget during the year.

c) To evaluate the developments related to the activities of the Center during the year and to make suggestions to increase the efficiency level.

ç) To form scientific committees, working groups and units within the body of the Center, to determine their working methods and to take decisions on ensuring the necessary coordination between them.

d) To decide on the year-end activity report of the Center for the special budget period prepared by the Director.

e) To determine the spending principles and procedures of donations in cases where there is a conditional donation agreement that complies with the conditions in Article 14.

Duties of the Advisory Board

The duties of the Advisory Board are:

a) To convey to the Director the evaluations they have made in order to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the works carried out by the Center.

b) To present their opinions and suggestions to the Director within the framework of the Center's objectives.

güncelleme: 28.11.2022 11:03