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Understanding Ataturk

Asst. Prof. M. Hakan ÖZÇELİK

When we look at the pages of history, it has always been observed that there are high-skilled and multifaceted leaders behind the nations that have achieved to survive until this time. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is the genius and leader who has leaved his mark in this age and the republic period when was the last extraordinary period of our history. Ataturk was the only leader among his contemporaries who managed to pass into the 21st century. That is to say, Ataturk is still a genius leader living with all his body and soul in the world of love and respect of the Turkish people and the world while others are being destroyed by their own people.

166 p., Printing Year: 2015

SBN: 978-6054303489

                                                                                      Size:17 x 24 cm


The Codes of Success: Risk ad Entrepreneurship

Zeynep Banu DALAMAN

"The School of Risk and Entrepreneurship" was organized by Istanbul Aydın University Center for Studies on Turkey as a seminar program that prominent people of business world leagued together and successful entrepreneurs shared their experiences in the academic year 2012–2013. The basis of this book is Turkey's prominent managers and business people who warmheartedly shared their life stories with our students, told the secrets of their successes and gave advises to youth by attending this seminar.

268 p., Printing Year: 2013

ISBN: 978-605-4303-26-7

Size: 17 x 24 cm


Symposium Reports of the First International Strategy and Security Studies

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sait YILMAZ

As we enter the 21st century, the rapid changes in international security environment turned all settled balanced upside-down. However, the Eurasian geography, which will be the biggest center of effect of the next 50 years, continues to be the main target of classical geopolitical theories. The future of the relations in Eurasian geography will be one of the main determinants of international balance of power. The Central Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia have become the major sides of international mobilization against terrorism.

Viii + 441 p., Printing Year: 2013

ISBN: 13 978-6054303250

Size: 17 x 24 cm


The Common Language of Religions: Music

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Saim YEPREM

We live in a historically critical period of time when differences, very natural factors in terms of culture, are presented as a "discriminator" or "disrupter" factor to the society without thinking. Reminding that cultural differences are not a flaw, but a richness factor to our people is very important in order to sustain our social peace in such a complicated environment.

59 p., Printing Year: 2014

ISBN: 978-6054303373

Size: 17 x 24 cm


Humbolt-Kolleg / 2011 Istanbul

Alexander Von HUMBOLDT

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation was established in Berlin in 1860, a year after Alexander Von Humbolt's death. Every year, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation offers scientific research opportunities in Germany to 1800 researchers from all around the world. The Foundation has formed a web accessible to 23.000 Humboldt scholars working on different disciplines, coming from 130 countries and including 40 Nobel laureates. A total of 420 Turkish scientists conducted research in Germany with the scholarship of Humboldt Foundation in the last 56 years.

xxii+479 p., Printing Year: 2011

ISBN: 978-605-4303-05-2

Size: 19 x 26 cm


International Conference on Entrepreneurship Iec 2014 
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Metin GER
In today’s world, economies worldwide are witnessing the emergence of new business models within enterpreneurial realms, new funding mechanisms and platforms, new international scopes of activities, new ways organizing ventures, as well as greater varieties of venture types spanning both commercial and socially driven initiatives

358 p., Printing Year: 2014


Size: 17 x 24 cm


International Conference on Multiculturalism and Translation

Assist. Prof. Muhammed Naca

The concept of multiculturalism started to be used by European countries in the 1960s. This term is as old as the history of humanity. Multiculturalism has always found a way to live and exist together in the history of humanity. The closest example of this situation is the Ottoman Empire. Multiculturalism means individuals and communities freely express their identities within a society. It is not only related to minority rights but also the majority rights and all institutions and applications that form a society. This concept is used for legal and political positioning of ethnical differences. Multiculturalism is based on democracy, citizenship and human rights.

188 p., Printing Year: 2015


Size: 17 x 24 cm


Development Dynamics in Africa at the Center of Global Competition

Bahar Dilşa KAVALA

Africa is the only region includes six of the top ten fastest growing economies in the world; expected to grow more than 5% except Pacific Asia, and investments on this continent exceeded 80 billion dollars in 2014 with the effect of new petroleum, natural gas and mine discoveries and agricultural production. It is expected that 40% of the world population will be living on this continent at the end of 21st century and Africa is demographically rising region of the world. The importance of it is rapidly increasing not only as an investment destination but also as a consumer market with its fast growing middle class of 300 million.

61p., Printing Year: 2015

ISBN: 978-605-4303-44-1

Size:15 x 21 cm


Abstract Proceedings of Women and Politics in a Global World International Congress  


It has been observed that women were neglected alongside racial and ethnical minorities and lower social classes, and they have been effectively excluded from political process. This exclusion has brought this image of woman staying away from politics to the present. Since, the political philosophy and political monarchy are mostly based on family, it is accepted that the head of family and government should be man, thus applications were made in this direction. Women mostly have been secluded and housework has been deemed to be the only duty of women, in this way they could not take part in politics.

128 p., Printing Year: 2015


Size:15 x 21 cm


Enlightened Approaches to Mehmet Akif Ersoy

Muhammet Sani ADIGÜZEL, Zeynep Banu DALAMAN

Quinquennial and decennial years have significant importance for celebrations. If both quinquennial and decennial year of a celebration coincided on the same day, it becomes even more important. The 75th year of his death was accepted as the year of Mehmet Akif Ersoy. 90th year also played a big role on this decision besides the 75th anniversary. Because, the year of Mehmet Akif Ersoy, 2011, was also the 90th anniversary of acceptance of the Turkish national anthem.

v + 193 p., Printing Year: 2013

ISBN: 978-605-4303-27-4

Size: 17 x 24 cm


New Generation Earthen Architecture: Learning From Heritage Kerpiç ’13

Asst. Prof. Dr. Gokcen Firdevs YÜCEL

Kerpiç-network is carrying researches over thirety years on durability, seismic response and production techniques on earthen consturtion material. Durability research are based on gypsum & line stabilization of earth, called “alker”; seismic response research are based on horizontal energy dissipation surfaces in the load bearing walls and production techniques are based on conpacting and shote-crete production of earthen walls. 

xiii + 487 p., Printing Year: 2013

ISBN: 978-605-4303-24-3 

Size:17 x 24 cm


Research on the Religious Festival Perception of Turkish Youth

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Saim YEPREM

There is one concept all nations of the world have a consensus on. This concept is "FESTIVAL". Festival is the name of goodness, beauty, happiness, excitement, emotional glory, joy and the days in the seventh heaven in an absolute sense. This term generally and theoretically does not include evilness, sadness, ugliness. This is the common perception of people for the concept of festival no matter which language, religion, ideology and race they have.

142 p., Printing Year: 2015

ISBN: 9786054303410

Size:17 x 24 cm


Turkey’s Rise: Implications for its Neighbors and the World

Zeynep Banu DALAMAN

Universities are not mere institutions made of amphitheaters of laboratories. Universities should be obligatorily interested with every social, political, cultural event and fact of the society in which they take their roots. The knowledge that is produced in universities should be shared simultaneously with the society. 

ii + 90 p., Printing Year: 2013

ISBN: 978-605-4303-29-8

Size: 17 x 24 cm 


Academy of Politics 1

Zeynep Banu DALAMAN

Since people are social beings, they live together in communities. This situation brought along the need of being ruled and consequently this necessity led to creation of the concept of politics. Being defined as "governmental activities", the concept of politics was derived from its synonymous word that is "polis". The concept of politics, unfortunately being used in a pejorative sense for a long time in Turkey, actually involves conflicting ideas and interests. Because, influencing / changing / directing an administration is also in the field of politics in addition to directing a state. It leads to competition between individuals and groups with the aim of grabbing / keeping / influencing the power.

304 p., Printing Year: 2010

ISBN 978-605-4303-08-3

                                                                                      Size:17 x 24 cm


1. Young Scientists Symposium


The purpose of the symposium is to give support to the master's degree and doctorate students at the phase of dissertation, and the students who completed their master's degree and doctorate studies; to ensure the transfer of studies to academic environment. It is aimed to bring together scientific opinions and thoughts in different disciplines and to create a common platform that will allow information sharing within this frame.  

216 p., Printing Year: 2015

ISBN: 978-605-4303-45-8

Size:17 X 24 cm


2023 Vision of Turkey and International Professional Education Workshop

Instructor Babürhan CÖRÜT

We need to build an education system that will enable us to have competitive, qualified and competent resources in order to be able to have a voice and compete with developed countries. The countries, directing economic and social life, adopt education programs that produce productive and qualified human resources with completed humanitarian development.

88 p., Printing Year: 2015

ISBN: 978-6054303472

Size: 17 x 24 cm


Intellectual Thought Platform Intellectual Thoughts 1


Intellectual Thought Platform is a civil society organization which makes researches, collects information about the problems in the fields of democracy, politics, social life, economics, culture, technology and education in Turkey's agenda or may come to the agenda; analyzes the information it collects; proposes solutions to public and private institutions and organizations; makes publications; organizes conferences, seminars, panels, congresses and contradictive round table meetings.

214 p., Printing Year: 2016

ISBN: 978-6054303601

Size: 17 x 24 cm

güncelleme: 23.11.2018 11:42