Career Opportunities

The garduates of the program work as office managers, office services specialists and executive assistants who have experience in office management and take responsibilites where necessary; who can apply the decisions or responsibilites held and decide within the scope of given authority.
Titles to which they can be appointed in government agencies (With KPSS point);
  1. Secretary,
  2. Officer,
  3. Computer operator,
  4. Warehouse Officer,
  5. Data Preparation and Control Operator,
  6. Switchboard Officer,
  7. Dormitory Management Officer,
  8. Purchasing Officer. 
Titles to which they can be appointed in private agencies;
  1. Executive Assistant (Secretary),
  2. Senior Executive Assistant,
  3. Board Secretary,
  4. Department Secretary,
  5. Department Manager Secretary,
  6. Office Manager,
  7. Editorial Manager.​​​

güncelleme: 17.9.2021 20:15