General Information

Dear Students and Prospective Students of the Department of Public Administration,


The facts of science are universal. If the world were as it seems, in other words, if the naked eye were sufficient, there would be no need for science. Therefore, science is a must and the only true guide in order to know, understand and comprehend the world and our country. Universities are the place where scientific knowledge is produced, functionalized and used.


Dear young people, scientific knowledge appears with three characteristics: it is living-alive and permanent, it is reliable, and it is verifiable-falsifiable. As Yunus Emre said: "Knowledge should mean a full grasp of knowledge: Knowledge means to know yourself, heart and soul. If you have failed to understand yourself, then all of your reading has missed its call."


The university in general, and the Department of Public Administration in particular, aims to educate you as a conscious good citizen equipped with modern and scientific knowledge. Your university, your department, will give you this approach, this equipment. You will think, "What can and should I give to my country, my homeland and humanity?"


What is public, what is public interest, what are the basic principles that guide public administration, are the topics we will study in the Introduction to Public Administration course. Topics such as Turkish Public Administration, Turkey's Governance Structure, Introduction to Law, Duties and Powers of Administration, Constitutional Law, Ottoman-Turkish Constitutional Developments, Turkish Administrative History, Comparative Political Systems, Comparative Management Systems, Centralized and Decentralized Management Systems, Local Governments in Turkey will be discussed and covered for four years. All of these topics are detailed in your four-year departmental program. In addition, various senior executives from Turkish Public Administration, representatives of various professional organizations will come to our courses and share their knowledge and experience with us/you.


What doors will your diploma at the end of these four years in the Department of Public Administration open to you? A large number of institutions and organizations such as central government, civil administration, local governments, various decentralization institutions, various research institutions and organizations, especially universities, regional and international cooperation organizations will be ready to recruit well-equipped and accumulated young people like you.


I wish you success.

I wish you good luck in this journey.


Prof. Dr. Levent ÜRER

Head of Department of Public Administration

güncelleme: 23.1.2023 14:37