Arabic Teaching

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Mission Statement

The mission of the Arabic Language Teaching Department is to educate Arabic language teachers and scholars who are dedicated to the principles and fundamentals of contemporary education, possess scientific and critical thinking skills, can adapt to technological change, and can keep up with contemporary issues in the field.

Our department aims to improve the teaching of Arabic as a foreign language, to teach Arabic literature, culture and art, as well as to develop the mental, emotional and social abilities of the youth of our country; furthermore, it aims to train qualified Arabic teachers, scholars and researchers who acknowledge their national culture, country and the world, have democratic values, respect human rights, communicate with their global counterparts, collaborate, raise individuals who are the best in the world in their professions, achieve the best in teaching and research, and are exemplary at national, regional and global levels.

Our goal is to produce qualified Arabic language teachers, scholars, and researchers who excel in teaching and research, are exemplary at the national, regional, and global levels, and serve as models. Our department admits students based on the YKS (DİL) scores.

Departmental Opportunities

• Minor Programs

• Double Major Programs

• Study Abroad through International Exchange Programs (1 or 2 semesters)

• Opportunity to pursue postgraduate programs after graduation


Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Arabic Language Teaching Department could work as teachers in all state schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Turkey, as well as in private educational institutions. Additionally, they can find job opportunities in Arabic language courses and in the commercial activities of the private sector with countries where Arabic language is spoken. Arabic is gaining increasing importance every day, given the vast geographical area where it is spoken and its strategic significance in the world.

Graduates of this department can also be employed in various fields such as ministries where their skills are required, the Presidency of Religious Affairs (Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı), General Directorate of Foundations (Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü), State Archives General Directorate (Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü), tourism, finance, logistics, banks, radio and communication, media, publishing houses, translation, copywriting, editing, and other areas. Furthermore, they have the opportunity to pursue master's and postgraduate programs, and can take on roles as academics in various Arabic programs at universities.

güncelleme: 6.10.2023 14:34

  Bölüm Başkanının Mesajı

Arabic is spoken by approximately 420 million people across about 22 countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Learning Arabic, which is also one of the common languages of international culture and trade, can greatly assist individuals in both their professional and social lives. Due to its widespread presence, Arabic holds cultural and historical significance. Recently, with its growing political importance, it has become a language learned not only by politicians but also by businesspeople.

Our department aims to provide the youth of our country with Arabic education at international standards. This education not only enhances their cognitive, emotional, and social skills but also equips them to understand both their own culture and the cultures of the countries where Arabic is spoken. Our graduates will possess the ability to convey their cultural values to foreigners, respect democratic principles, uphold human rights, communicate with global counterparts, collaborate effectively, and excel in teaching, research, and application. Our ultimate goal is to produce exemplary Arabic language teachers who are recognized at the national, regional, and global levels, equipped with strong research skills.


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