
​​​​​Having been established in May 2013, Istanbul Aydın University Faculty of Architecture and Design has four departments and two of them, the Departments of Architecture and the Department of Interior Architecture, were existing and graduating students within IAU Faculty of Engineering and Architecture before this date. The Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design and the Department of Industrial Design have just opened and they will start undergraduate education activities beginning from the academic year 2013-2014. The Departments of Architecture and Landscape Architecture and Design are accepting students through national central examination system and the MF4 score; Interior Design and Industrial Design are accepting students through special ability exams among those who have succeeded in the first step of the national central examination. As with all the programs of our university, the duration of our degree programs is 4 years and each year contains 2 semesters. In order to graduate from this program with a bachelor's degree diploma, it is necessary to successfully complete a lecture plan with a total of 240 ECTS credits consisting of a group of lectures with 30 ECTS credits for each semester on the schedule of the department. These lectures are composed of compulsory department lectures, elective department lectures, elective faculty lectures and elective university lectures. On-site application, entrepreneurship and social responsibility and occupational ethics lectures, given significant importance by our university, are some of the indispensable parts of our program schedule. All the details about our departments (academic personnel, instructional plan, lectures, lecture acquirements, the list of knowledge, skills and competencies that a student will acquire after completing the program and graduation, etc.) can be learned from the menu you see at the left of this web page.

The education and research fields of the departments within the Faculty of Architecture and Design include not only basic and applied sciences but also social sciences and arts. These fields are as old as the history of humanity and aim to bring together functions and aesthetics during the constructions of the environments they live. In other words, functionality is expected from the individuals who graduated from these departments within Faculty of Architecture and Design and perform their professions within this field. Since the subject is designing the environments where people maintain their lives; reflecting the social, cultural, economic and political values of the time and location at the design of the environment to be built is inevitable. When we look at from this perspective, we see that architecture and design are a set of disciplines in which these multi-directional disciplines can set an example for the "flexible education" model through the parameters in multiple and different qualities of the subjects of architecture and design. The common purpose of our faculty's all departments is graduating students as competent professionals to serve to the society. For this reason; planting artistic sensitivity, creative power and self-confidence in students, strengthening their intellectual competence required to solve problems and providing them with the technical skills necessary to practice their professions will always keep their places among the basic principles of our departments. 

güncelleme: 8/16/2018 13:26