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  The Claim of Vahdettin Sent Atatürk to Samsun is Distortion

  Retired Brigadier Dr. Naim Babüroğlu evaluated May 19 and its history, and stated “The claim of ‘Sultan Vahdettin sent Atatürk to Samsun to start the Independence War’ is completely a distortion. Vahdettin denied these claims himself”

<p>​<strong style="text-align: justify;"><span id="ms-rterangecursor-start" aria-hidden="true" rtenodeid="1"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end" aria-hidden="true"></span>Istanbul Aydın University Faculty of Science and Letters Department of History Academic Member Retired Brigadier Dr. Naim Babüroğlu</strong><span style="text-align: justify;"> evaluated the importance, history and meaning of 19 May the Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day and mentioned that the claim of &quot;Atatürk was sent to Anatolia to start the Independence War by Sultan VI. Mehmet Vahdettin himself&quot; that is put into words from time to time, is &quot;untrue and distortion&quot;</span><span style="text-align: justify;">.</span></p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>&quot;VAHDETTİN DENIED IT HIMSELF&quot;</strong></p><p style="text-align: justify;">Babüroğlu said &quot;Sultan VI. Mehmet Vahdettin sent Mustafa Kemal of the Ottoman government to Samsun, not to start the War of Independence, but to keep him away from Istanbul and out of sight, and to prevent possible actions against the occupying states. Vahdettin denied himself those who distorted the history and claimed that &#39;Sultan Vahdettin sent Atatürk to Anatolia to start the Independence War&#39;. Vahdettin admitted that he did not send Atatürk to Anatolia to start the Independence War by saying &#39;I obeyed the cabinet that sent Mustafa Kemal to Anatolia&#39; in the declaration he published in Mecca in 1923. Also, before Mustafa Kemal went to Samsun, Sultan Vahdettin and Grand Vizier Damat Ferit Pasha had already applied to England to become a British colony on 30 March 1919. Chief of Defence of the period Fevzi Çakmak mentioned &#39;Mustafa Kemal Pasha was trying to detract Damat Ferit from Grand Viziership. Because I was the Chief of Defence, Minister of Defence Şakir Pasha told me that Damat Ferit wanted to move Mustafa Kemal away from Istanbul.&#39; In conclusion, Mustafa Kemal Pasha, went to Anatolia in order to establish a new Turkish State based on unconditional nation sovereignty, not for the purpose of saving the Ottoman Empire and Dynasty&quot;.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>MUSTAFA KEMAL: &quot;THEY DID NOT AUTHORIZE ON PURPOSE&quot;</strong></p><p style="text-align: justify;">Babüroğlu narrated Mustafa Kemal&#39;s evaluation and stated &quot;Mustafa Kemal explains assigning the duty of Army Inspector in his Nutuk as follows: &#39;You can be surprised how those who sent me to Anatolia to move me away from Istanbul, gave me this broad authority. I must say instantly, they did not give me this authority on purpose. No matter what, the reason found by those who want me to move away from Istanbul, was going to Samsun to see the disorder in Samsun and its region and take precautions. I meet with persons in the General Staff who sense my purpose to some extent. They found the inspector duty and I made the directive about authority written.&#39;&quot;</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>&#160;</strong></p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>&quot;PURPOSES OF SENDERS AND OUTGOES WERE NOT SAME&quot;</strong></p><p style="text-align: justify;">Babüroğlu stated &quot;It showed up in a short time that there was not any similarity in purposes of Mustafa Kemal and those who decided to send Mustafa Kemal to Anatolia were. Mustafa Kemal Pasha regulated the details of assignment directive with Deputy Chief of the General Staff Kazım Pasha. While regulating the assignment directive, the only issue Mustafa Kemal interested was the authority issue. He said to Kazım Pasha &#39;Add these two points certainly, they are enough to me. First, I can be the commander of all forces in all East provinces starting from Samsun, and give direct orders to the governors of the provinces where these forces are located. Secondly, I must be able to correspond with military and civilian authorities that have any contact with this region.&#39;&quot;</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>&quot;ATATÜRK CHANGED THE COURSE OF HISTORY&quot;</strong></p><p style="text-align: justify;">Babüroğlu said &quot;Loss of land and withdrawal in the Ottoman Empire started with the II. Vienna Siege in 1683. In 1877-1878 Ottoman-Russian War and 1912-1913 Balkan Disaster, the Ottoman Empire lost almost all of its lands in the Danube and the Balkans. Ottoman Empire separated at the end of the 1914-1918 World War I and it ended officially with the Armistice of Mudros Agreement signed on 30 October 1918. National struggle journey of Mustafa Kemal started on 19 May 1919. When Mustafa Kemal Pasha stepped on Samsun, there were English Occupation Forces in the city. Pontus gangs were around the streets. People were unable to protect themselves. Birth pains of the Republic of Turkey start with Samsun journey on 19 May 1919. In this difficult and barful journey, the leader who will change the course of history, will mark the fate of both himself and his nation and the oppressed nations.&quot;</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>&quot;HE ONLY TRUSTED TURKISH NATION&quot;</strong></p><p style="text-align: justify;">Babüroğlu stated &quot;When Mustafa Kemal went to Samsun on 19 May 1919 as he says he had no material power, he only acted by trusting the Turkish nation. There were also disagreements on the publication of the Amasya Circular which is the first and basic manifesto of the Independence War. About the disagreements on signing of the Amasya Circular, Atatürk mentioned in Nutuk that Rauf Bey (Orbay) did not want to sign on the grounds that he was a guest, Refet Bey (Bele) put a distinctive indistinct mark on the document in order not to take any responsibility in future negativities. According to Atatürk&#39;s expression, Rauf Bey was later persuaded by Mustafa Kemal, and signed the Amasya Circular. Ali Fuat Pasha (Cebesoy) did not even hesitate.&quot;</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>HOW 19 MAY DECLARED AS A NATIONAL HOLIDAY?</strong></p><p style="text-align: justify;">Babüroğlu mentioned &quot;People in Samsun wanted to immortalize Mustafa Kemal Pasha&#39;s arrival to Samsun. They began to celebrate 19 May as &#39;Veteran Day&#39; from 1926. On 24 November 1934, after Mustafa Kemal was given Atatürk surname, name of the &#39;Veteran Day&#39; became &#39;Ataturk Day&#39; since 1935. With a law introduced on 4 July 1938, 19 May was accepted as the &quot;Youth and Sports Day&quot;. Thereby, Atatürk presented the 19 May Holiday to the youth. The holiday has started to be celebrated officially since 19 May 1939. In 1980, title of the 19 May changed as &#39;Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day&#39;&quot;<br/></p><p><br/></p>



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