Free Mover Students


güncelleme: 20.7.2016 11:52

​Incoming Free-Movers Students Guidelines

EU citizens and non-EU citizens coming from Universities who don’t have any international agreement with Istanbul Aydın University (IAU), interested in attending one or more courses activated at IAU, can inscribe to single courses.

Students can inscribe to maximum 30 ECTS credits each semester.

It is, in any case, impossible to inscribe to single courses belonging to Degree courses with limited entrance at National level.

EU citizens and non-EU citizens regularly living in Turkey (as for the Turkish Higher Education Council and IAU Rules and Regulations for Undergraduate and Graduate Educations) interested in attending one or more single courses, can inscribe, within the deadlines indicated, by producing their university card or other translated and legalized foreign University certificate.

Students are required to fill in the Application Form as well as University’s Learning Agreement and send it to us (along with the passport photocopy, original photo, transcript of records and europass format cv) by the 30th of July, 2015 the latest for the fall semester of 2015-2016 Academic Year. 

After receiving the application documents, First, The Office and then Faculty Committe will review the application-the required documents and then will inform the applicants about the result.