External Transfer Exam (ete) Registration Guide

  External transfer exam (ete) 2019 registration guide is available now.

<p>​<strong style="text-align: justify;">Registrations will be made between 9-13 September.</strong></p><p><strong>DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR REGISTRATION PROCEDURES</strong></p><p>Documents required from the students who will enroll in our university with the 2019-2020 Academic Year External Transfer Exam (DGS) are as follows.</p><p>For student affairs;</p><ol><li>2019 ete placement result document,</li><li>Associate Degree Diploma or original copy of the Associate Degree Temporary Graduation Certificate (or certified sample)</li><li>For course exemption: Approved Transcript and Approved Course Content,</li><li>Military status document for male students born in 1997 and before (or e-government output),</li><li>For students who benefit from the quota for the disabled: The original medical board report original or certified copy.</li><li>Students to enroll in the Aviation Management Program;</li></ol><ol><li>Document showing that there is no Criminal Record or Criminal Record Archive Record that will prevent from obtaining an airport entry card.</li><li>Receive a delegation report, provided that you have received a full-fledged hospital from the full-fledged hospital in the last 6 months that there are no health problems that would prevent it from performing your job and / or job assignment. (hearing loss / deficiency, vision loss / deficiency etc.)</li></ol><p><strong>2019-2020 ACADEMIC YEAR PAYMENT FROM</strong></p><p>Our students can complete their credit card, cash and bank installment payments at the registration center in our university.</p><p>Credit cards with installments: Maksimum, Axess, VakıfBank World, YapıKredi World, Card Finans and Ziraat Combo.</p><p><strong>For those who have not graduated yet;</strong></p><p>Our students who have settled in our university with 2019 DGS, but are not yet graduated, have the right to enroll as a graduate until the beginning of the 2019-2020 spring semester in accordance with the announcement of the CoHE dated 06.08.2019.</p>



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