Capacity Building Methods in Tackling Today's Problems Seminar

Determining what risks may be encountered at the point where social life has come, forms the basis of reducing both individual and social vulnerability. Because in any area of life, in a situation where the risks are not known, it will be inevitable that the risks turn into danger and harm those in the environment. For this reason, individuals' being able to identify possible risks in their living spaces and gaining the skills to minimize these risks will contribute greatly to increasing both individual and social capacity not only in disaster management but also in all areas of daily life. In the training titled "Capacity Building Methods in Combating Today's Problems", which we developed as Disaster Training Application and Research Center, how individual and social capacity can be increased was shared with the participants. The training was carried out as a hybrid on 29 July 2021 for the academic and administrative staff of Istanbul Aydın University.

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güncelleme: 16.2.2022 16:46