'' Global Peace, I believe it should be how the whole world can co-inhabit together and have in great harmony and live freely with each other without malice or hate from one another, We all need unity for a greater good, there should not be pride of superiority from a group of people or nation ''

 International Student



'' I strongly believe Global Peace can exist in this world, I believe if we focus on sustainable development for the world and human beings we can achieve global peace, I believe that elected leaders and ministers in every country should support global peace, they should increase the level and awareness of welfare, education and equality ''

Turkish Student



'' To understand the concept of peace, we must understand what violence do to us, I believe peace means absence of war or any violent conflict and a state of social justice such as respect for human rights, equality and the recognition of the rights of minorities, I believe all of us are entitle to explain and educate our children about the concept and meaning of peace in the right way to create a more peaceful and better world for the future generation''

Turkish Student



'' Global Peace refers to peace and freedom for all nationals, if people continue to see the world only within the borders of their own country then global peace cannot be achieved, I believe people should be purified of sharp emotions such as ambition and greed and if all countries can raise awareness of these issues, I believe global peace can be achieved''

Turkish Student



'' Eliminating prejudice is a crucial thing, I believe we need to speak out against prejudice and discrimination whenever we see it''

International Student



'' Since compassion and anger can't co-exist, the more we cultivate compassion the more our anger will be reduced and peace in the world depends on our relating to one another with compassion, I believe this planet is our only home and we are all responsible for taking care of it, we have no choice but to develop a sense of universal responsibility, we need to know that war is outdate and illogical and we need to teach one another that while revenge weakens society, forgiveness gives it strength ''

Turkish Student



'' Global Peace will never will never exist if there are greed from developed countries that causes poverty and hunger to other countries, if we want to achieve global peace then we must abandon racial and religious discrimination and we also need to educate ourselves to have inner peace which has a positive impact on the entire community ''

International Student



'' Global peace will create eternal love among we human, sharing with the others, believing being happy with happy people, cry with the once who cries, we know the world we live in is far from all these peaceful reactions as we already know that our world is filled up with hatred between nations, greediness and selfishness which creates conflict, war and unhappiness which picture our world as non-peaceful world, before we can change the world, we need to change our minds and attitudes in other to be able to have global peace by loving the world, the people and nature''

Turkish Student



'' In other to have global peace, we need to focus and provide training for the people and set a new education system about global peace with ethical values''

Turkish Student



'' The first condition for the domination of global peace in the world is firstly domination of peace among people, when every person on earth is at peace, the universe will be peaceful and there will be no war''

Turkish Student



''Global peace can be achieved if there is love, support and respect among nations and people, for if the love is delivered to everyone equally then the peace can be shared by everyone''

Turkish Student


We should understand the main purpose of global peace, which refers to creating love among every living soul on this planet. If the love is equally delivered among people then the peace can be shared among everyone. Yes, it is very much achievable but requires a lot focus on the sustainability development of the world and human beings, we should seek to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We should recognize that put an end to poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty; it is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. In other to reach Global peace, Equality is very much important among people. We need to eliminate racial discrimination, poverty and to heal and secure our planet. We should be determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path.

International Student


güncelleme: 23.10.2018 18:21