
İstanbul Aydın University Turkish Language and Literature department aims to raise students competence in the field of analysing Turkish language as a colourful unity in it’s deep historical roots and large geogrophical field and also examine the periods, works, artists and sense of arts of Turkish Literature according to the contemporary literary views.

The primary objective of our department is to educate Turkish Language and Literature teachers who are able to speak at least one foreign language and are competent on using computer to maintain the standarts of international science as well as to meet the demands of our country for rasining scientists, experts, writers and critics who are both the interpreters and creator of literature.



1. To introduce and teach Turkish language and literature with its entire history and geography,

2. To sustain the students are able to research and interpret Turkish language and literature documents by using modern research methods,

3. To ensure the students acquired the methods to introduce and teach Turkish language and literature to people at every level.

Department Opportunities:

  1. Minor
  2. Double Major
  3. Studying abroad through international exchange programs (1 or 2 semesters)
  4. Master's degree opportunities after graduation

Career Opportunities: 

The students who graduated from our department can complete their master's degree with/without thesis and then teach in schools, private schools and private teaching institutions affiliated to T.R. Ministry of National Education; be academicians at universities; participate in radios, televisions and newspapers as copywriters; work as editors at publishing houses. Besides these, they can take charge in the Ministry of Culture and other ministries, Turkish Language Society, libraries, museums, archives within public and private institutions and foreign educational and cultural institutions. They have opportunity to have academic career by carrying out master's degree and doctorate studies. 

güncelleme: 30.3.2023 12:17